OBJECT OF CTRL: The object of CTRL is to be the player with the largest Domain at the end of the game. 

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 players

MATERIALS: 1 Large Central Cube, 88 Connectable Blocks, 4 Player Flags, and 4 Player Color Cards

TYPE OF GAME: Constructive Game



Are you into construction and strategy? This is the game for you! Throughout the game of CTRL, players will attempt to build their Domain by adding blocks to the Battlefield. These blocks will build a large, awkward, 3-dimensional field. 

Build on top of your opponents to take control of their areas! Plant your flag to protect areas that you want to build on in the future! Don’t get blocked and enjoy CTRL!


Game Setup

To begin setup, place the central cube on the table where all players are able to reach it. Each player then chooses a color to represent their Domain throughout the course of the game. They gather their flag and twenty-two blocks in their color. 

Each player will connect one block to the side of the Central Cube. This will be their starting block. All of the starting blocks should be adjacent to the table surface. Players my then connect their flag to their starting block, pointing up. The game is ready to begin! 


The player who suggested playing CTRL will begin the game. Each turn has three steps. To begin, you will remove their flag from the Battlefield, any blocks attached to the Central Cube. This will allow blocks to be placed in the space that the flag was blocking.

The next step is to place three blocks of your color in a straight path. The first block must be placed adjacent to a block that is in your Domain. This will determine the starting point for your path. Once the first block has been placed, a direction of travel must be determined. The Battlefield may be rotated, but it must always stay on the table, to determine the best path to take. 

The blocks must be placed in a straight path along the surface of the Battlefield. Paths cannot travel away from the Battlefield. When you reach an edge, roll your next block 90 degrees forward onto the new surface, and then continue placing blocks. You cannot travel in a straight path beyond an edge.

If you hit a wall, then the next block you place rolls 90 degrees backwards, so that it climbs the wall. The top of a wall should be treated like an edge. If there is a wall or an edge that is only one block high, then you are permitted to step up, or step down, depending on what is needed. 

Once you are done placing blocks, you may place your flag on an exposed face of any block in your Domain. It may go any direction. 


If there is an obstruction in your path, then your path is considered illegal, and a different path must be chosen. If your path is obstructed by the table, then a new path must be chosen. If your path is obstructed by another player’s flag, then a new path must be chosen. 카지노사이트

 Finally, on a player’s first turn, they may not choose a path that would place any of their blocks adjacent to another player’s starting block.


The game comes to an and after app players have placed all of their blocks. The player with the highest scoring Domain wins!

Scores are determined by the number of exposed faces when looking at each side of the Battlefield. Scores are tallied for each side, and then added together. 

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